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Susannah Wesley Children’s Center (SWCC) is a licensed facility under the State of California, Department of Social Services Community Care Division. It meets all standards prescribed by the State of California, Fire Department, and Health Services. It operates in compliance with health and safety standards, staff education, and training. SWCC is routinely inspected by the Department of Social Services, fire and health departments.

SWCC operates on a year-round school year from August through July. We are open Mondays through Fridays from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. We are closed for set holidays and we close for staff development and workdays. A calendar of closure dates is published every school year.


Enrollment is dependent on availability of space. We offer full-time and part-time care and accept children in diapers. Children are separated into classrooms based on age and development. Busy Bee’s (infant / toddlers) and Discovery Preschool (ages 3 – 5).


We have an open-door policy and parents are always welcome at our school. We encourage you to get involved in your child’s learning and development progress. We feel it is particularly important to have conversations with our students when they are learning about a new curriculum. We feel that holding conversations with our students helps with their brain development, solving and thinking skills. We encourage all parents to talk with child/ren about their day at school. We will send home a progress report weekly for you to have discussions about what your child has learned.


We desire to help children develop healthy emotions of love, confidence, and self-worth by teaching and building self-control and self-discipline. Children learn good behavior by looking at us as examples. If we are anxious, angry, inconsistent, and domineering, our students will be distant, unconcerned, and punitive. If we have self-control, confidence, and love, our students will be likewise.


We believe communication and instruction are essential elements of positive discipline. Our students will then feel secure, loved, and confident when they know there are definite boundaries and expectations. We teach specific expectations by using techniques such as defining workspaces, instructing on the use of material, and providing various choices from which children may choose.


We practice positive reinforcement: We encourage our teachers to practice self-discipline and self–control through positive reinforcement such as hugs, an encouraging word, or a star on a chart for good behavior and being a helper, or a reward at the end of the week from the treasure box.


We also offer a Calm Center where the child can relax, read a book, and play with fluffy toys to calm down and practice breathing techniques with staff because sometimes, we as adults or little people just need time alone because we want that. Your little one can rejoin the group when he or she feels ready.

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